The Best Gear for Hot Glue Gun

Gear for Hot Glue Gun

Tired of wasting glue sticks?

Are you tired of collecting the remnants of glue from the table?

Then this lifehack for you!

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Quick Release Follow Focus in 10 minutes – DIY

Follow focus DIY.

We make а Quick Release Follow Focus for our beloved DSLR camera.

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Handmade Jar Opener 100% – DIY

Handmade Jar Opener

Are you tired of opening a glass can with a knife? Me too.

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How to make a small Gas Jet Cutter

Миниатурная газовая горелкаMini gas jet

I needed a small gas burner for the thermomagnetic engine project (based on the Curie point). I thought that this simple construction might be of interest to you.

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Smoke Machine 200 watts DIY. Not a toy!

Smoke generator with own hands.

The article tells about the homemade smoke machine, the power of 200 watts, made from improvised materials.

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Portable tripod head for half an hour with your own hands

The tripod head with your own hands.

About how to make a universal portable tripod head with a panning mechanism from all garbage in just half an hour.

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The ceiling fan that helps fall asleep – 3 lifehacks

Hypnotic Eye.

Three simple lifhakas for fighting insomnia, implemented at a miserable cost.

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How to Make a Camera Slider

Фрагмент изображения самодельного слайдера в сборе.

The article describes the design and manufacturing process a slider made from standard parts, purchased at retail. The total costs do not exceed $ 20.

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How to Make a Compact Camera Slider for $5

Компактный слайдер – фрагмент.

The article talked about how from parts purchased in the store for a few minutes to assemble a universal slider for shooting video and VR-Object-s, not drilled with no holes.

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Fuelless power generator in the palm

Заряд смартфона от бестопливного генератора.

Fuelless generator – Charger for mobile phone.

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