Архив рубрики Audio — Video

Quick Release Follow Focus in 10 minutes – DIY

Follow focus DIY.

We make а Quick Release Follow Focus for our beloved DSLR camera.

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Smoke Machine 200 watts DIY. Not a toy!

Smoke generator with own hands.

The article tells about the homemade smoke machine, the power of 200 watts, made from improvised materials.

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Portable tripod head for half an hour with your own hands

The tripod head with your own hands.

About how to make a universal portable tripod head with a panning mechanism from all garbage in just half an hour.

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How to Make a Camera Slider

Фрагмент изображения самодельного слайдера в сборе.

The article describes the design and manufacturing process a slider made from standard parts, purchased at retail. The total costs do not exceed $ 20.

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How to Make a Compact Camera Slider for $5

Компактный слайдер – фрагмент.

The article talked about how from parts purchased in the store for a few minutes to assemble a universal slider for shooting video and VR-Object-s, not drilled with no holes.

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